Anya Njoku

Litigants whose cases are pending at Apapa Magistrate court are now having hard times as magistrates handling the cases are feared to have fled the court premises for fear of electrocution.

It was reliably gathered that for the past ten months the court building is said to have been having some electrical defects, thereby posing danger of electrocution for occupants.

Reliable police sources disclosed that consequently, the magistrate court has temporarily located to Marine Beach area of Apapa, popularly known as Agbo Malu.

It was also learnt that out of over 150 pending criminal cases, over seventy percent of them are port related.

A highly placed police source in Apapa Port Criminal Investigation Department of the Port Authority Police Command, Western Ports, decried the difficulty encountered by police prosecutors in taking cases to new location.

Presently, it could not be ascertained when the court would be returned to its original place.


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