The Chairman and Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Charkin Maritime Offshore Safety Centre, Sir Charles K. Wami displaying the Oil and Gas Trainers Association (OGTAN) High Human Capital Development (HCD) Impact Company In Maritime and Offshore Training award won by the centre at the OGTAN Annual HCD Awards 2024 in Lagos…recently.

Apparently pleased by the strides it has made since its establishment over a decade ago, the Oil and Gas Trainers Association (OGTAN) has recognized Charkin Maritime Offshore Safety Centre, as the OGTAN high human capital development (HCD) impact company in maritime and offshore training.

Situated on kilometer 4, along the East West Road, Ozuoba, Port Harcourt, Rivers State, the centre was adjudged the best in maritime and offshore training in the country.

The centre was given the recognition and award at an impressive ceremony tagged “OGTAN Annual HCD Awards 2024” with the theme “consolidating the human capital development through domestication of skills” which took place recently at MUSON Centre, Onikan, Lagos.  

The Chairman and Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Charkin Maritime Offshore Safety Centre, Sir Charles K. Wami was also formally inducted as OGTAN Life Members.

Apparently elated by the developments, Wami was on hand to receive the plaques to commemorate the awards.

He told Maritime Bits in an exclusive interview on the sideline of the award ceremony that he was happy that his efforts to bring maritime training to the doorsteps of Nigerians was being recognized by those who know what it takes to embark on training at home rather wasting scarce resources, especially forex outside the country.

He called for the support of critical stakeholders, especially the Federal and State governments to ensure that the centre take the indigenous training of Nigerians in the maritime industry to a higher pedestal in the years ahead.

Maritime Bits had reported that Charkin is approved and recognized by in country and international regulatory agencies. These include the Nigerian Maritime Administration and Safety Agency (NIMASA), Nigerian Upstream Regulatory Commission (NUPRC), National Board for Technical Education (NBTE), OPITO, Nautical Institute (NI) and the International Well Control Forum (IWCF).


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